Top 10 Signs You Need to Replace Your Baseboard Covers

Top 10 Signs You Need to Replace Your Baseboard Covers

Published by Kelly on 25th Feb 2014

We're living in 2014: there's absolutely no excuse to be stuck with an old rusty baseboard heater that's on the edge of oblivion. 

  1. It's finish can only be described as that 70's beige. This horrible hue is only out-done by 70's Avocado green.
  2. Your strategy for repairing broken covers involves duct tape or cardboard. You can save money (and relationships) by slipping on a new cover.
  3. Your heater has loose, broken or missing parts. This exposes your heating element to damage and could result in fire or injury.
  4. Your baseboard cover is so rusty you forgot what its original color was. Rusty metal, rusty metal everywhere. Rusty metal or loose parts are a definite tell-tale sign it's time for an upgrade.
  5. You've painted your old covers so many times your on a first name basis with the paint expert at Benjamin Moore. We're pretty sure Bill won't miss you that much.
  6. You've convinced yourself that covering your heater covers with strategically placed curtains will totally disguise them anyway. Read: Fire hazard!
  7. You purchase your furniture based on how well it will disguise your heater. Don't do this.
  8. Your pets won't even go near them. Fluffy is always right.
  9. Your toddler has started to use your heater as a place to store toys. Safety first!
  10. Your living room could pass for the set of your favorite 70's TV sitcom. Sorry Brady Brunch-ers, it's time to go Charlie's Angels style on those baseboard covers and move on to some Good Times and Happy Days ahead. Three's Company, and you wont have any company if you don't get your home into the 21st Century.